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One on One 

Experience insight, healing and balance to the mind body spirit through a private session with me

at CasaVeras, @retreatsbyronbay in the Byron Bay hinterland or as an online consultation

EMAIL or TEXT for an Appointment


 How would u describe your work?

A fusion of Left and Right brain consciousness, an understanding of the current energy dynamic and implementing an opportunity for healing and balance for the body mind and spirit in the here and now.


Basically calling a time out on whatever the dynamic is that is not in alignment with your greater good and resetting it to a directive that is


What modalities are u drawing from...

I Began when I was 15, (I’m 55 as of 2020)

I started like everyone else – in search of something, to understand and master this life thing,

and along the way learnt from some fantastic teachers,

not just how to work on Myself, but how to apply it to others.


I have skills in Energy Medicine, to read and effect the etheric structure,

I also have a connection to and with my multidimensional 'Selves' and access to records and memories

that can trigger yours too. 

Kinetic Astrolgy, Alchemy of the Body Mind Spirit, Vibrational Botanical and Gem Essences, I bring it all!


I work on the dynamic that presents at the time so each session is different


What is the opportunity for the client?

To have a truly holistic experience.

I address the mind body spirit and personally, I am fearless when it comes to getting to the heart of the matter.

This is my bliss, this is what I have devoted my life to

and I am passionate about living in integrity and truth, with joy grace and ease

– this incarnation can be a rockin experience with the illusion out of the way…


What does the Client need to understand to get the most out of the session?

To understand that they haven’t done anything wrong - It’s all ok.

To understand that You are creating your world  / reality

– or a more accurate way to describe it is that you are determining your experience of it / the world / the reality.


There is only one Reality; it’s your experience of it that you are seeing reflected back to you.


Change your experience, lose the fears, limitations, insecurities,

any programming that is not in alignment with your Essence or Soul frequency and you are in Mastery

– living the Dream.


What does a session look like...?

Each session is different because i work with the dynamic of each person and their ‘stuff’

It can incorporate Astrology, Numerology, Kinesiology – (so many ologies!)

which is all very Left Brain ‘Male’ consciousness,

and then there is ‘Feminine’ or Right Brain consciousness, that can see the problem in the Etheric Structure

and pull it out, replacing it with something more attuned to your Essence, your Soul frequency.

One thing I can tell you is I create a framework for you to feel safe,

that wherever you are going you are in control and you can cope

– I am not going to take you somewhere you don’t want to go

– most of the time all that is needed is for you to acknowledge the energy and it can be transmuted,

no having to relive or rehash painful events…


What motivates you, what Do you Personally draw on?

I draw on my Essence, the deep Soul expression that radiates from within, my consciousness Lineage,

and also to live and be surrounded by beauty. truth. love, harmony. peace and trust. 


From this, it centers me and I can act with integrity with this as my ‘true north’

the thing that guides and inspires me to live life in My truth.


I love to see people in the after glow of a session

– they begin in a state, with a story and usually confusion.

To watch as they come to their own truth and balance within,

to shed the limitation and awaken to new possibilities is so rewarding

and something I consider a privilege to facilitate.  

The world just shines a little brighter

Email or TEXT to book

60 minute Session: $150 +GST

+ $50 each additional 30 minutes


• Gift Vouchers available


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